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debeers(The Debeers Company and the Global Diamond Trade)

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The Debeers Company and the Global Diamond Trade


The Debeers Company, a dominant player in the global diamond trade, has played a significant role in shaping the industry for over a century. This article will explore the history of Debeers, its impact on the diamond market, and the controversies surrounding its business practices.

The Rise of Debeers:

debeers(The Debeers Company and the Global Diamond Trade)

Debeers was founded in 1888 by Cecil Rhodes, a British businessman, with the goal of monopolizing the diamond trade. Rhodes understood that by controlling the supply of diamonds, he could manipulate their value and maintain high prices. To achieve this, Debeers implemented a strategy known as \"artificial scarcity,\" where they stockpiled diamonds and released them in controlled quantities to maintain price stability.

Impact on the Diamond Market:

debeers(The Debeers Company and the Global Diamond Trade)

The dominance of Debeers in the diamond market had a profound impact on the industry. By controlling the supply, they effectively created an illusion of scarcity, making diamonds seem highly valuable and desirable. This marketing strategy was further enhanced by their successful advertising campaign in the mid-20th century with slogans like \"A Diamond is Forever.\" As a result, diamonds became synonymous with love and commitment, and the demand soared.

Controversies and Ethical Concerns:

debeers(The Debeers Company and the Global Diamond Trade)

Debeers has faced numerous controversies and ethical concerns throughout its history. One of the major criticisms is their control over the supply chain, which often involves purchasing rough diamonds from conflict-prone regions. These diamonds, commonly known as \"blood diamonds,\" are associated with violence, human rights violations, and funding of armed conflicts. Although Debeers implemented the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme in 2003 to reduce the trade of blood diamonds, concerns still persist.

The company has also been accused of artificial manipulation of diamond prices. By stockpiling large quantities of diamonds, Debeers can regulate the market and maintain high prices. This practice has been questioned for its impact on the natural value of diamonds and the fairness of the market.


The Debeers Company has played a pivotal role in shaping the global diamond trade. Its strategies of controlling supply, creating scarcity, and successful marketing have made diamonds immensely valuable and desirable. However, the company has faced criticism for its control over the supply chain and the manipulation of diamond prices. As the diamond industry evolves, it will be essential for Debeers and other stakeholders to address these concerns and work towards sustainable and ethical practices.